Class Lists
The Registrar provides class lists to instructors through MAUI, the University's student record information system. Faculty should review their class list at the beginning of each semester or session and daily through the first five days of classes. In courses that require prerequisite courses, instructors should make every effort to ensure that all students have met the required prerequisites.
Before and during the first five days of class, students add and drop courses online through MyUI, allowing class lists to be updated rapidly during the first five days of classes. After this period, students must add and drop using paper forms.
Course deadlines are available via the Registrar's calendar.
Reporting Grades
Final grades are reported by each instructor to the DEO for review using MAUI. After the DEO approves the grades, they are recorded on the student's permanent record and are made available to students immediately through their MyUI account.
All instructors are required to submit mid-term course grades below a C-.
Instructors are obligated to evaluate each student's work fairly and without bias and to assign grades based on valid academic criteria. (See the University Operations Manual on professional ethics and academic responsibility, part 2(e), and the University policy on human rights [part b].)
It is especially important that grading be consistent across sections of multi-section courses. Fairness to students also implies consistent grading among courses of the same level within one department.
In every course, the grading criteria must be clearly described in the course syllabus.
Timeliness of Grade Reports
Final grades must be submitted by instructors (via MAUI) at least 24 hours before the final deadline, providing time for the DEO to review the grades. All grade reports (including those for independent studies and off-cycle courses) must be turned in by the deadline. Grades are essential to the evaluation of students for graduation, academic probation, or dismissal. If grade reports are late, instructors may be penalized by a delay in paycheck issuance following the delinquency
Specific deadlines may be found on the Registrar's academic calendar.
Student Attendance
Instructor attendance and tardiness policies must be clearly stated in the syllabus. If a complaint or issues arises concerning a student absence, University College uses the stated policy within the syllabus to adjudicate the problem.
University policy requires that students be permitted to make up examinations missed because of illness, mandatory religious obligations, certain University activities, or unavoidable circumstances. All instructors must comply with this policy. The attendance policy should provide options for making up examinations missed due to an excused absence.

Absences Due to Illness and Emergencies
Attendance policies should include procedures to accommodate student illness and absences due to emergencies. These policies should be clearly stated on the syllabus and discussed during the semester, especially during key periods, such as at mid-term.