Academic Standards Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Academic Standards Committee

The Academic Standards Committee is responsible for upholding academic policy, evaluating academic progress of students admitted to University College, and considering student appeals to policies and procedures.

Students in University College who seek exceptions to the rules, regulations, and requirements, or revocation of dismissal from University College for academic reasons, will appeal to the Academic Standards Committee.  The Academic Standards Committee is also responsible for reviewing cases of student academic dishonesty.  The Associate Dean for Continuing Education chairs the Academic Standards Committee.

In Good Standing

Students are expected to meet academic standards and to demonstrate reasonable progress toward a degree. Students must achieve the following minimum grade-point averages to be considered in good academic standing.  Students who fall below these standards will be placed on academic probation.

  • University of Iowa Cumulative GPA:         2.00
  • Total Overall Cumulative GPA:                  2.00
  • University of Iowa Term GPA:                   1.50

See section below on Academic Probation

Recognition for Academic Achievement

The University and the College recognize academic achievement every semester and at the time of graduation.  The Dean’s and President's List is reported in a University of Iowa News Release at the end of every semester for students who have not restricted release of information to the public

Dean's List

Students who achieve a grade point average of 3.50 or higher on 12 semester hours or more of UI graded course work during a semester (or summer session) and who have no hours of I (incomplete) or O (no grade reported) for that enrollment are recognized by inclusion on the Dean's List for that semester (or session).

President's List

University of Iowa undergraduate students who achieve a grade point average of 4.00 on 12 semester hours or more of UI graded course work and who have no hours of I (incomplete) or O (no grade reported) for two consecutive semesters (including summer session) are recognized by inclusion on the President's List.

Graduation with Distinction

Beginning in the fall 2024 semester, the criteria for undergraduate students to graduate with distinction will be consistent among undergraduate colleges. The criteria will be based solely on a static GPA.

The Office of the Registrar certifies to the deans of the colleges the names of students eligible to graduate with distinction. To be eligible for consideration, degree candidates must complete the final 60 semester hours in residence as an undergraduate at the University of Iowa and at least 45 graded semester hours must have been completed prior to the final semester or session of registration. The GPAs upon which distinction is determined are the University of Iowa cumulative GPA (coursework taken at UI) and overall cumulative GPA (coursework taken at UI and any transfer work) prior to the beginning of the final semester or session.

The three levels of distinction are as follows.

  • With highest distinction: 3.95 GPA or above.
  • With high distinction: 3.85–3.94 GPA.
  • With distinction: 3.75–3.84 GPA.

Graduating with distinction is designated by gold stars worn on the left gown sleeve, halfway between the shoulder and the elbow. Three stars indicate graduation with highest distinction; two, with high distinction; and one, with distinction.

The Office of the Registrar mails the gold stars to qualified students prior to commencement ceremonies (Fall-November and Spring-April).

Distinction levels will appear on the transcript and diploma, the program, and will be read at commencement.

University College - Graduating with Distinction Prior to fall 2024

Academic Probation

A student is placed on academic probation if they do not meet all the following minimum GPA requirements:

  • University of Iowa Cumulative GPA:         2.00
  • Total Overall Cumulative GPA:                  2.00
  • University of Iowa Term GPA:                   1.50

Academic probation serves as a warning that unless academic performance improves a student may be dismissed from the college and may not graduate. Students on academic probation are restored to good standing only when each of the above GPA conditions are met. When all of the required GPAs are met, a student is removed from academic probation.

The pass/nonpass (P/N) grading option may not be used by students on academic probation; however, S/F and S/U courses are allowed. Similarly, for students on academic probation, earning final grades within the first term of all enrolled courses is highly recommended to demonstrate reasonable progress toward a degree. Entering students may be admitted on probation if their UI or Total Overall GPA falls below 2.0.

Dismissal from the College

The Academic Standards Committee, with approval of the Dean of University College, reviews the academic records of students on academic probation at the close of the fall, spring, and summer semesters. 

  • A continuing student who has earned academic probation for two or more consecutive semesters is eligible for dismissal.
  • While some probationary period usually precedes a dismissal, students with extremely poor academic performance may be dismissed immediately after their first semester on probation.
  • A student who has been reinstated to the University may be dismissed if they fail to fulfill any part of their reinstatement agreement.
  • Earning “I” (Incomplete) grades does not demonstrate reasonable progress while on academic probation and can be cause for a student’s dismissal from the College.

Appealing a Dismissal

Revocation of an academic dismissal immediately after the dismissal is imposed. These requests are considered only in January and June.  Students must observe strict deadlines for petitioning: 4:30 p.m. on the second day of classes for a January dismissal and 4:30 p.m. June 15 for a May dismissal.

Students who can document that their unsatisfactory academic records were the result of extenuating circumstances, such as a disabling illness or personal crisis, may appeal for a revocation of a dismissal.

  • Students dismissed after the fall semester in January must appeal in writing no later than 4:30 p.m. on the second day of spring semester classes.
  • Students dismissed after the spring semester in May must appeal in writing no later than 4:30 p.m. on June 15.

No appeals are considered for revocation of a dismissal that would permit enrollment within a six-week or an eight-week summer session.  The decision of the committee is final.

Please see section on Submitting an Appeal.

Notification and Records

Students who are newly placed on academic probation will receive a MyUI message about their academic probation standing. Students continued on academic probation or dismissed from the college are notified of these actions by the Academic Standards Committee both by email and hardcopy letter.  Mail is sent to the current residing address as listed in the student record. To ensure proper receipt of records, students must update their "email routing address" whenever necessary.

Students admitted on probation have the notation "admitted on probation" entered on their permanent records. The notation "on academic probation" is placed on the permanent records of those students who have been placed or continued on academic probation. "Not permitted to register" is entered on the permanent records of students who have been dismissed from the college. When reinstatement has been granted, "permitted to register" for a particular semester or session is entered on the permanent record.

Reinstatement to the College

Students dismissed for unsatisfactory scholarship for the first time are not permitted to register again for one year, and then may register only after a request for reinstatement and a reinstatement interview. Requests for reinstatement must be made in writing or in person and should be addressed to the Academic Standards Committee.

Arrangements for a reinstatement interview (which may be conducted via telephone for students not living within the Iowa City area) must be made and the interview must take place between March 1 and July 1 for reinstatement to a fall semester, or between October 1 and December 1 for reinstatement to a spring semester. The College does not reinstate students for a summer or a winter session. Late requests are deferred to the following semester.

Students dismissed for the second time may or may not be granted a second reinstatement. Students dismissed for the second time who wish to discuss their future academic options may schedule an appointment for an in-person or telephone interview.

NOTE: If you choose to attend another college during the period of dismissal in order to gain reinstatement to your University of Iowa program you must earn at least a 2.50 gpa on your transfer coursework.

Students who are permitted to register following a dismissal are registered on academic probation and ordinarily are allowed two semesters to achieve good standing. However, very poor academic work in the first semester of a reinstatement may result in dismissal at the close of that semester.

The Academic Standards Committee reviews all appeals for reinstatement. Final approval is granted by the Dean of University College.

Email questions to: 

Requests for Late or Retroactive Registration Changes:

Late or retroactive withdrawal from an academic semester, winter, or summer session may be granted in the event of extenuating circumstances (such as a serious illness or a crisis beyond the student's control) and only with appropriate documentation indicating the nature of these circumstances. In addition to the letter of petition from the student, supporting documentation must be submitted to the Committee.

Students who are requesting a late or retroactive withdrawal from a semester will submit an appeal.

Students who are dismissed for low scholarship may be required to be reinstated to the University and successfully complete their returning semester with a minimum 2.00 GPA before an appeal will be considered.

Submitting an Appeal

Students do not appear before the Committee, but submit their requests in writing. The Committee considers and recommends action regarding each request to the Dean of University College. The Associate Dean of  Distance and Online Education responds to each student in writing and conveys the decisions of the committee. 

Letters to request exceptions:

  • Include full name, student number, current address, current e-mail address, and current date.
  • Accurately list what you are appealing, including specific semesters, courses, or actions you wish to be considered by the Committee.
  • Describe concisely the circumstances of your situation and the factors that affected your performance, your ability to adhere to published deadlines or academic policies.
  • Indicate what, if any, supporting documentation the Reviewers can expect to receive.

Supporting Documentation:

  • The student is responsible for requesting supporting documentation from appropriate sources.
  • The person providing the documentation must send it directly to the Academic Standards Committee.
  • Any medical documentation must be in the form of a letter, on letterhead stationery, dated, and signed by the person providing it. Medical documentation must clearly specify the time period being covered, verify that you were seen for medical issues and how those issues affected your academic performance. The Reviewers cannot interpret medical records or clinical notes. The following items are not acceptable documentation:  a photocopy of a prescription or a medication container; a billing statement; information taken from the internet. Alternatively, you can use our  Medical Documentation Request form. 

Letters and supporting documentation may be mailed to:

The University of Iowa
University College Academic Standards Committee
5 Calvin Hall
2 West Jefferson Street
Iowa City, IA 52242-0907

Students may send their appeals through postal mail or documentation can be sent directly to the committee electronically. Appeals and documentation should be addressed to the Academic Standards Committee and emailed to

If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the University College Academic Standards Committee, they may request in writing a review of the appeal by the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education.

Tuition Appeals for Extenuating Circumstances

Students wishing to appeal tuition assessed for withdrawn semesters will submit a written appeal to the Office of the Registrar using the form below. Only tuition assessments for the current academic year beginning in the fall session, or the two previous academic years beginning in the fall session, may be appealed.

Office of the Registrar Tuition Appeal Form.

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty is in violation of the University of Iowa Code of Student Life.  Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to;

  • Cheating on Quizzes and Exams
  • Plagiarism
  • Unauthorized Collaboration
  • Willful Misrepresentation
  • Facilitating Academic Dishonesty of Others

Any student who is admitted to University College agrees to abide by the Code of Student Life and any such violation will be report to and reviewed by the Academic Standards Committee (ASC).  Students will receive course sanctions based on the administrative college offering the course, which may include failure of individual assignments or the course for which academic misconduct was charged.  The Academic Standards Committee will review all cases of Academic Dishonesty involving students admitted to University College and reserves the right to impose additional academic sanctions including, but not limited to;

  • Completion of an online Academic Integrity Seminar (18-20 hours to complete and a registration fee of $100)
  • Suspension from the College
  • Expulsion from the College

All students have the right to file an appeal about a University College decision related to academic misconduct.   Please see section on Submitting an Appeal.


Restart is the academic forgiveness policy of the undergraduate colleges of the University of Iowa.

If you were previously enrolled in University College (UC) and are returning, or have returned, to the University of Iowa after an extended absence (four consecutive years or more), you may use the UC Restart option to request removal of one or more of your previously completed UC academic sessions (i.e. semesters or winter/summer enrollments) from future grade point averages and satisfaction of degree requirements. 

If you have already graduated from the University of Iowa, you are not eligible to use the Restart option whether for a second degree, teacher certification, or any other purpose.

Students are strongly advised to seek academic consultation prior to submitting the Restart application.  If you are a currently enrolled student you should discuss Restart with your academic advisor.  If you are a returning UC student, you should contact the Academic Standards Committee at


The following are required for any current or former UC student to be eligible for Restart:

  1. You must not have graduated from the UI.
  2. You must not have enrolled at the University of Iowa for at least four consecutive years.
  3. You must be free from any unresolved holds placed on your enrollment by the Registrar or other UI offices.
  4. You cannot have previously used the Restart option.

Restart policies

  1. The student must meet the above eligibility requirements.
  2. UC approval of the student’s application for the Restart option is not guaranteed.
  3. All courses taken and credit hours earned during the Restart sessions will remain on the student's permanent record (official transcript), but will be marked to show that they have been removed from computations of grade point averages.
  4. The option applies only to academic sessions a) completed while enrolled in University College and b) prior to the minimum four-year absence from the university.
  5. The Restart option does not apply to individual courses, but only to entire sessions of enrollment.
  6. No tuition will be refunded for Restart sessions.
  7. The Restart option cannot be applied to courses taken at another institution.
  8. Semester hours earned in a Restart session will not be counted toward the 120 semester hours required for graduation.
  9. If a General Education/Common Core requirement was completed in a Restart session, the College will consider, on a case-by-case basis, accepting that GE requirement as satisfied. The acceptance of previously completed GE requirements is not guaranteed.
  10. Any course in a Restart session that previously fulfilled a requirement for the student’s program of study must be reviewed by the Academic Standards Committee for a decision as to whether or not the course may now be counted as fulfilling the requirement in question. The acceptance of previously completed requirements is not guaranteed.
  11. Any second-grade-only options (SGO) used during a Restart session will not count toward the UC limit of 3 SGOs.
  12. Courses taken during a Restart session and repeated after the student returns to UI will not be counted as duplication or regression.
  13. Students may use the Restart option only once.
  14. Once applied to the student's record, the Restart option is not reversible.

Procedures for requesting Restart

  • Current and former UC students are strongly advised to seek academic consultation prior to submitting the Restart application.  If you are a currently enrolled student you should discuss Restart with your academic advisor.  If you are a returning UC student, you should contact the Academic Standards Committee at for academic assistance. 
  • If you are not currently enrolled at the University of Iowa, you must file an application for re-entry to the University of Iowa before submitting a Restart application. You must meet the published deadlines for admission to the UI.
  • If you were dismissed from University College for low scholarship, you must contact the Academic Standards Committee at to discuss reinstatement and the Restart option. Please consult our website for additional information on Reinstatement to the College.
  • To apply for Restart, you must submit a University College Restart Petition which will include a personal statement addressing the problems you encountered in the Restart semesters and describing your proposed path to degree completion.  Please complete the form online and then allow 2-4 weeks for the Academic Standards Committee to review your petition.
  • The Restart option is not guaranteed. It may be granted only after careful consideration and review of your academic record by the Academic Standards Committee.

Other colleges within the University of Iowa, as well as other educational institutions outside the UI, may read student transcripts differently and recalculate grade point averages to include sessions that UC has removed under the Restart option. 

For more information about UC Restart, please contact the Academic Standards Committee at

Cross-College Policy

The UI undergraduate colleges share the four Restart policies below; other policies may vary.

  1. A student requesting Restart must apply for Restart through the UI college in which the student was previously enrolled during the requested semester(s).
  2. The college of the student's previous enrollment will decide whether the semester(s) in question will qualify for Restart.
  3. All other decisions about course work, requirements, and credit hours are left to the college from which the student plans to graduate.
  4. Each college will abide by the Restart decisions made by another college.